I am long overdue on this post. Gretchen dropped off her Purl Soho dresses a month ago, but I have been focussing on my Mom and let a lot of other things wait. Thank you for all of the prayers and thoughts for my Mom. She is doing a bit better and I'm hoping this is a trend.
Gretchen will always be in our family history books for the third grade teacher who initiated a wonderful discussion about lying after my son told the class he missed school because he won a snowboarding championship. He had missed school to snowboard, but we had merely watched the tryouts while we were on the mountain that day. This lie was quickly uncovered when other parents started congratulating me.
Gretchen's other talents include sewing. She did a beautiful job on the Purl Soho dresses and made shades of brown look gorgeous.
How cute are the trim and pockets?
From Gretchen on the experience (I love how she learned to sew):
"I really enjoyed making the doll dresses. Your patterns & directions were clear & easy to follow. I was a little challenged by the fabrics - browns & tans didn't immediately make me think of little girls but it was fun to try & make them work. I loved imagining the children who might dress their dolls in the dressessome day. I was inspired by the mission of this project & helping those less fortunate.
"I learned to sew when I was 10. My mother paid $1 to an elderly lady for my private sewing lessons. I remember my first project was making an apron. Over the years I sewed clothes & craft projects. My parents gave me my own sewing machine for a graduation gift. I sewed matching dresses & nightgowns for my daughter and her dolls- but that was a long time ago.
"Most recently I've been teaching my "little sister" from the Big Brother Big Sister program how to sew."
Gretchen also made a beautiful doll quilt (photo below) to go with the dresses. These will all go to a 4 year old girl in the Natick Family Promise.
Thank you Gretchen and thank you Purl Soho!