Currently there are four sizes of Phoebe&Egg dolls. I admit their names: Regular Phoebe, Medium Phoebe, ExtraSmall Phoebe and Baby Egg don't shed enough light on their sizes.
When I started Phoebe&Egg, I only made the 23 inch Phoebe and a 15 inch baby egg. Four years later, I have added and eliminated sizes as I've grown to understand what people want.
All of the current sizes
The largest doll is 23 inch (regular) Phoebe. Although 23 inches sounds big, she is mostly lank leg and feels about the same size or smaller than an American Girl doll. She has a pattern set that comes with her.
Medium Phoebe is 16.5 inches tall. She is more portable than large Phoebe and easier to sew for than ExtraSmall Phoebe. She also has a pattern set that comes with her.
ExtraSmall Phoebe is 14 inches, very light, very portable, but trickier to sew for. sewing small is tricky. She also comes with a set of patterns.
baby Egg is 11 inches big. She seems like the perfect baby size for Medium Phoebe. She does not yet have a set of patterns. I'm hoping she soon will.
I'm hoping the photos below can help you compare.
These are the fours sizes. Click to enlarge.
ExtraSmall and Medium Phoebe are closer in size than any others. here they are together.
Medium and ExtraSmall Phoebe.
And here are their clothing sizes. Hope this was helpful.
Their clothing sizes