Three of the six Beloved Handmade Doll Dresses entries thus far

It has been a little more than 2 weeks and I have six entires in the Beloved Handmade Doill Dress Contest. All loved for different reasons and all lovely.

Here are three of the six. I will try and post the other three tonight. In the meantime, please send more! I love these!

"I made this handmade doll dress for a dearly beloved doll who is a sweet Princess. This dress and it's soft color palette captures that innocence and sweetness of the doll." Kellie

"My mom made me a handmade doll with this dress when I was little. I remember thinking the dress with all its lacy goodness, was so beautiful. Now I keep it in my living room. It brings back so many happy childhood memories I can't bear to pack it in a box!" SweetBriarSisters

beloved handmade doll dress 3

"Doll dress that was lovingly made by my grandma in the 1950s for her daughter. I played dress up with it on my dolls as a child and now my daughter does with her dolls." Deborahknits