As a mom, my daughters rarely lack attention. I can't say either of them "flies under the radar". But sons sometimes do. They can be content and independent and suddenly as a mom you feel guilty because you have not given them the attention they deserve but don't demand.
Same with the boy dolls. I spend a lot of my business attention on the girl dolls. Every so often I get a boy doll request and, no offense to the girls, it is refreshing.
This week the boys got some attention. I have a custom boy doll shipping out tomorrow. But while creating him, I went a little boy crazy.
Today's lighting was bad (and no Nikon 5300 yet), so I only took a few photos. Hopefully tomorrow will shed some better light on boy world.
Plaid on plaid: Boy doll clothes
"Gap Kids" for boy dolls
A new boy doll with a bit of bedhead--typical boy